September 1, 2024

#mustreadin2024 fall update

This is my #mustreadin2024 fall update.  I love participating in this reading challenge because it connects me with a community of readers and encourages me to read newly released books to share with my students.  In January, I created my #mustreadin2024 reading goal As a reminder, here they are:

I'm still working on reading a few of the newly released titles on my list, plus I have some additional titles to share!  I'll be back in December for a final reading update.  Below are my lists of new picture books and chapters books that I've read in 2024 from April to September:

Picture Books I Read From My List - #mustreadin2024 (April-September)

Picture Books I Read NOT From My List - #mustreadin2024 (April-September)

Chapter Books I Read From My List - #mustreadin2024 (April-September)

Chapter Books I Read NOT From My List - #mustreadin2024 (April-September)

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